
Use Klinikio for the first 30 days for free. We will verify your interest in the paid version before issuing the first invoice.


210€ VAT included
per month

450€ VAT included
per month

Comming soon

Audio track of the call

When the call is completed, Klinikio will send you an audio recording of it.

Unlimited number
of resolved calls

There is no limit to the number of calls that Klinikio receives.

Klinikio using human voice

The message box is recorded by a person, thanks to which Klinikio sounds with a pleasant human voice.

Free month trial

You can test packages for free during the first month. Before issuing the first invoice, we will verify your interest in the paid version.

Custom recording

The recording includes a presentation of the ambulance and the name of the doctor: "Dr. XY's children's ambulance.

Text transcript of the call

In addition to the audio recording, the Klinikio will also create a text transcript, which you will receive by e-mail. This is especially useful if you do not have speakers on your desktop computer.

Other features/functions

The Klinikio can even recognize the patient's request and then adapt the dialogue.


Ukážka nahrávky


Ukážka nahrávky


210€ VAT included

Audio track of the call

When the call is completed, Klinikio will send you an audio recording of it.

Unlimited number
of resolved calls

There is no limit to the number of calls that Klinikio receives.

Klinikio using human voice

The message box is recorded by a person, thanks to which Klinikio sounds with a pleasant human voice.

Free month trial

You can test packages for free during the first month. Before issuing the first invoice, we will verify your interest in the paid version.

Custom recording

The recording includes a presentation of the ambulance and the name of the doctor: "Dr. XY's children's ambulance.

Text transcript of the call

In addition to the audio recording, the Klinikio will also create a text transcript, which you will receive by e-mail. This is especially useful if you do not have speakers on your desktop computer.

450€ VAT included


Audio track of the call

When the call is completed, Klinikio will send you an audio recording of it.

Unlimited number
of resolved calls

There is no limit to the number of calls that Klinikio receives.

Klinikio using human voice

The message box is recorded by a person, thanks to which Klinikio sounds with a pleasant human voice.

Free month trial

You can test packages for free during the first month. Before issuing the first invoice, we will verify your interest in the paid version.

Custom recording

The recording includes a presentation of the ambulance and the name of the doctor: "Dr. XY's children's ambulance.

Text transcript of the call

In addition to the audio recording, the Klinikio will also create a text transcript, which you will receive by e-mail. This is especially useful if you do not have speakers on your desktop computer.

Other features/functions

The Klinikio can even recognize the patient's request and then adapt the dialogue.

Benefits of Klinikio are only 3 steps away


Úvodný kontakt

Najskôr sa s vami spojíme telefonicky a predstavíme vám bližšie Klinikio. Radi vám odpovieme aj na všetky prípadné otázky.


Úvodní kontakt

Nejprve se s vámi spojíme telefonicky a představíme vám Klinikio podrobněji. Rádi vám odpovíme i na všechny případné dotazy.


Initial introduction

First of all, we schedule a call where we introduce you to Klinikio. This is also where we gladly answer any of your questions.



Následne vás krok po kroku prevedieme inštaláciou, ktorá ja maximálne jednoduchá. Viac detailov nájdete na podstránke Nastavenie.




Následně vás krok po kroku provedeme instalací, která je maximálně jednoduchá. Víc detailů naleznete na podstránce Nastavení.



Set up/Installation

We will then guide through the simple installation process step by step. More details can be found on the Setup page.


30 dní zadarmo

Ak budete so službou po mesiaci spokojní, dohodneme sa na prechode na platenú verziu. Viac na podstránke Cenník.



30 dní zdarma

Pokud se službou budete po měsíci spokojeni, dohodneme se na přechodu na placenou verzi. Více na podstránce Ceník.



30-day free trial

If you are satisfied with the results, we will discuss a transition to one of our paid plans. See more under Pricing section.



30 dní zadarmo

Ak budete so službou po mesiaci spokojní, dohodneme sa na prechode na platenú verziu.


30 dní zdarma

Pokud se službou budete po měsíci spokojeni, dohodneme se na přechodu na placenou verzi.


30-day free trial

If you are satisfied with the service after a month, we will agree on the transition to the paid version.

Have more questions?
Contact us!

Adam Gaľa

Project manager